Code of Conduct

The spirit of Ride for Cambodia is one of adventure and giving, and the code of conduct reflects this.  As this event is open to anyone, this  code is not enforced in any formal way, but you will find yourself short of friends if you’re coming along for reasons outside the spirit of the event.


Participants are encouraged to:

  • donate the proceeds of their scooter sale to a local charity
  • ride in groups and support other participants
  • become actively involved in r4c i.e. help write the blog, print the t shirts or make the stickers etc
  • respect Cambodian customs and laws


Participants are discouraged from:

  • engaging in sexual tourism.
    1. If you plan to use the services of prostitutes while in Cambodia, the volunteers of r4c strongly request that you do so outside of this event.  No one can prevent you from behaving as you see fit, but you will not be welcome by the majority of participants.
  • riding in a dangerous manner
  • riding without appropriate protective clothing
  • breaking any local laws


Please remember we are guests in a country which already has it’s fair share of problems.  Let’s be a positive influence.